
Banksia ericifolia - Heath Banksia.

Banksia ericifolia  -  Heath Banksia.

Dural, 1st June 2012. 
  Rounded shrub to  2-5m high.
Orange flowers Apr-Aug (winter). 

Banksia ericifolia  -  Heath Banksia.

Dural, 1st June 2012. 
  Rounded shrub to  2-5m high.
Orange flowers Apr-Aug (winter).

Banksia integrifolia - Coast Banksia.

Banksia integrifolia  -  Coast Banksia.

Kurnell, July 2012.
Large shrub or tree 6-16m tall.
Pale yellow flower spikes from Jan to June, peaking in winter.

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Banksia oblongifolia - Fern-leaf Banksia.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

Canoelands,    March 2013.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

Canoelands,    March 2013.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

Canoelands,   March 2013.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

Canoelands,    March 2013.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

Canoelands,    March 2013.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

Canoelands,    March 2013.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

St. Ives,  July 2012.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

St. Ives,   July 2012.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

St. Ives,   July 2012.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia oblongifolia  -  Fern-leaf Banksia.

St. Ives,   July 2012.
Spreading shrub to 2m.
Pale yellow flowers Mar-Jul.

Banksia serrata - Old Man Banksia.

Banksia serrata  -  Old Man Banksia.

Kurnell,    July 2012.
Gnarled thick-trunked large shrub/tree 4-8m high.
Grey/green flower spikes Dec-Mar.

Banksia serrata  -  Old Man Banksia.

Kurnell,  July 2012.
Gnarled thick-trunked large shrub/tree 4-8m high.
Grey/green flower spikes Dec-Mar.

Banksia serrata  -  Old Man Banksia.

Kurnell,   July 2012.
Gnarled thick-trunked large shrub/tree 4-8m high.
Grey/green flower spikes Dec-Mar.
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Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

Mount Banks,   March 2013.
Multi-stemmed shrub to 2m tall.
Yellow to orange flowers with red to black hooked styles.
Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

Kings Tableland,    April 2013.
Multi-stemmed shrub to 2m tall.
Yellow to orange flowers with red to black hooked styles.

Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

Kings Tableland,    April 2013.
Multi-stemmed shrub to 2m tall.
Yellow to orange flowers with red to black hooked styles.

Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

 Fitzroy Falls,    May 2013.
Multi-stemmed shrub to 2m tall.
Yellow to orange flowers with red to black hooked styles
Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

Waratah Picnic Area - Blue Mnts. N. Park,    April 2013.
Multi-stemmed shrub to 2m tall.
Yellow to orange flowers with red to black hooked styles

Banksia spinulosa  -  Hairpin Banksia.

Mitchell Park Nat. Park,    June 2013.
Multi-stemmed shrub to 2m tall.
Yellow to orange flowers with red to black hooked styles
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