
Logania albiflora - Logania.

Logania albiflora  -  Logania.

Lake Parramatta,    August 2012.
 Graceful shrub 1.5 to 2m high.
Very sweetly scented white flowers in spring.

Logania albiflora  -  Logania.

Lake Parramatta,    August 2012.
 Graceful shrub 1.5 to 2m high.
Very sweetly scented white flowers in spring.

Logania albiflora  -  Logania.

Lake Parramatta,    August 2012.
 Graceful shrub 1.5 to 2m high.
Very sweetly scented white flowers in spring..

Logania albiflora  -  Logania.

Lake Parramatta,    August 2012.
 Graceful shrub 1.5 to 2m high.
Very sweetly scented white flowers in spring.
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Lomandra obliqua - Fish Bones/Twisted Mat-rush.

Lomandra obliqua  -  Fish Bones/Twisted Mat-rush.

Webbs Creek,   February 2013.
Small stiff sprawling herb.
Yellow flowers Sept-Nov.

Lomandra obliqua  -  Fish Bones/Twisted Mat-rush.

Lake Parramatta,   August 2012.
Small stiff sprawling herb.
Yellow flowers Sept-Nov.

Lomandra obliqua  -  Fish Bones/Twisted Mat-rush.

Lake Parramatta,   August 2012.
Small stiff sprawling herb.
Yellow flowers Sept-Nov.
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Lomatia silaifolia - Crinkle Bush.

Lomatia silaifolia  -  Crinkle Bush.

Mount Wilson 11th January 2013.
A low stiff shrub to 1m tall.
White flowers Nov Feb.
Lomatia silaifolia  -  Crinkle Bush.

Mount Wilson 11th January 2013.
A low stiff shrub to 1m tall.
White flowers Nov Feb.
Lomatia silaifolia  -  Crinkle Bush.

Mount Wilson 11th January 2013.
A low stiff shrub to 1m tall.
White flowers Nov Feb.
Lomatia silaifolia  -  Crinkle Bush.

Mount Wilson 11th January 2013.
A low stiff shrub to 1m tall.
White flowers Nov Feb.
Lomatia silaifolia  -  Crinkle Bush.

Mount Wilson 11th January 2013.
A low stiff shrub to 1m tall.
White flowers Nov Feb.
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Lycopodium deuterodensum  - Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Lycopodium deuterodensum  -  Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Royal National Park,   December 2012.
Small erect plant (looks like a miniature pine tree) to 1m tall.
Spores contained in terminal cones.


Lycopodium deuterodensum  -  Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Royal National Park,   December 2012.
Small erect plant (looks like a miniature pine tree) to 1m tall.
Spores contained in terminal cones.

Lycopodium deuterodensum  -  Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Royal National Park,   December 2012.
Small erect plant (looks like a miniature pine tree) to 1m tall.
Spores contained in terminal cones.

Lycopodium deuterodensum  -  Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Royal National Park,   December 2012.
Small erect plant (looks like a miniature pine tree) to 1m tall.
Spores contained in terminal cones.

Lycopodium deuterodensum  -  Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Royal National Park,   December 2012.
Small erect plant (looks like a miniature pine tree) to 1m tall.
Spores contained in terminal cones.

Lycopodium deuterodensum  -  Bushy Clubmoss, Tree Clubmoss.

Fitzroy Falls,   May 2013.
Small erect plant (looks like a miniature pine tree) to 1m tall.
Spores contained in terminal cones.
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Lyperanthus suaveolens - Brown Beaks.

Lyperanthus suaveolens  -  Brown Beaks.

Forresters Beach,     August 2013.
Terrestrial orchid.
Reddish maroon/yellowish green flowers Aug-Oct.

Lyperanthus suaveolens  -  Brown Beaks.

Forresters Beach,     August 2013.
Terrestrial orchid.
Reddish maroon/yellowish green flowers Aug-Oct.

Lyperanthus suaveolens  -  Brown Beaks.

Forresters Beach,     August 2013.
Terrestrial orchid.
Reddish maroon/yellowish green flowers Aug-Oct.

Lyperanthus suaveolens  -  Brown Beaks.

Forresters Beach,     August 2013.
Terrestrial orchid.
Reddish maroon/yellowish green flowers Aug-Oct.

Lyperanthus suaveolens  -  Brown Beaks.

Forresters Beach,     August 2013.
Terrestrial orchid.
Reddish maroon/yellowish green flowers Aug-Oct.

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Macrozamia communis - Burrawang (Cycad).

Macrozamia communis  -  Burrawang  (Cycad).

Yarramundi,   August 2012.
 Palm like plant , spiky leaves to 2m long.

Macrozamia communis  -  Burrawang  (Cycad).

Yarramundi,   August 2012.
 Palm like plant , spiky leaves to 2m long.

Macrozamia communis  -  Burrawang  (Cycad).

Yarramundi,   August 2012.
 Palm like plant , spiky leaves to 2m long..
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