
Pteridium esculentum - Bracken, Common Bracken.

Pteridium esculentum  -  Bracken, Common Bracken.

Dural,   February 2013.
 Erect fern,  up to 1.5m high.

Pteridium esculentum  -  Bracken, Common Bracken.

Dural,   February 2013.
 Erect fern,  up to 1.5m high.

Pteridium esculentum  -  Bracken, Common Bracken.

Dural,   February 2013.
 Erect fern,  up to 1.5m high.

Pteridium esculentum  -  Bracken, Common Bracken.

Dural,   February 2013.
 Erect fern,  up to 1.5m high.
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Pultenaea daphnoides - Large-leaf Bush-pea.

Pultenaea daphnoides  -  Large-leaf Bush-pea.

Baulkham Hills,  November 2012.
Slender shrub to 2-3m high.
Yellow with red flowers spring - early summer.


Pultenaea daphnoides  -  Large-leaf Bush-pea.

Baulkham Hills,  November 2012.
Slender shrub to 2-3m high.
Yellow with red flowers spring - early summer.

Pultenaea daphnoides  -  Large-leaf Bush-pea.

Baulkham Hills,  November 2012.
Slender shrub to 2-3m high.
Yellow with red flowers spring - early summer.

Pultenaea daphnoides  -  Large-leaf Bush-pea.

Baulkham Hills,  November 2012.
Slender shrub to 2-3m high.
Yellow with red flowers spring - early summer.
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Pultenaea ferruginea var. deanei (no common name).

Pultenaea ferruginea var. deanei       (no common name).

Waratah Trig Road, Brisbane Water National Park.  April 2013.
Erect shrub to 1m high.
Yellow with rich red flowers Sept-Oct.
Pultenaea ferruginea var. deanei       (no common name).

Waratah Trig Road, Brisbane Water National Park.  April 2013.
Erect shrub to 1m high.
Yellow with rich red flowers Sept-Oct.

Pultenaea ferruginea var. deanei       (no common name).

Waratah Trig Road, Brisbane Water National Park.  April 2013.
Erect shrub to 1m high.
Yellow with rich red flowers Sept-Oct.
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Pyrrosia rupestris - Rock Felt Fern, Robber Fern.

Pyrrosia rupestris  -  Rock Felt Fern,  Robber Fern.

Mount Banks,    March 2013.
An epiphytic fern with thick leathery leaves.

Pyrrosia rupestris  -  Rock Felt Fern,  Robber Fern.

Mount Banks,    March 2013.
An epiphytic fern with thick leathery leaves.
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Rubus moluccanus var. trilobus - Broad-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry, Molucca Raspberry. .

Rubus moluccanus var. trilobus -  Broad-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry, Molucca Raspberry.

Fitzroy Falls, May 2013.
Scrambling thorny shrub or climber.
Pink, sometimes white, flowers in summer followed by red edible fruits.

Rubus moluccanus var. trilobus -  Broad-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry, Molucca Raspberry.

Fitzroy Falls, May 2013.
Scrambling thorny shrub or climber.
Pink, sometimes white, flowers in summer followed by red edible fruits.

Rubus moluccanus var. trilobus -  Broad-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry, Molucca Raspberry.

Fitzroy Falls, May 2013.
Scrambling thorny shrub or climber.
Pink, sometimes white, flowers in summer followed by red edible fruits.

Rubus moluccanus var. trilobus -  Broad-leaf Bramble, Native Raspberry, Molucca Raspberry.

Fitzroy Falls, May 2013.
Scrambling thorny shrub or climber.
Pink, sometimes white, flowers in summer followed by red edible fruits.


Scaevola ramosissima - Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Scaevola ramosissima  -  Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Dharug Nat. Park,   November 2012.
 Herbaceous scrambler, 50-100cm long.
Bluish / mauve flowers in Spring - Summer.

Scaevola ramosissima  -  Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Dharug Nat. Park,   November 2012.
 Herbaceous scrambler, 50-100cm long.
Bluish / mauve flowers in Spring - Summer.

Scaevola ramosissima  -  Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Dharug Nat. Park,   November 2012.
 Herbaceous scrambler, 50-100cm long.
Bluish / mauve flowers in Spring - Summer.

Scaevola ramosissima  -  Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Dharug Nat. Park,   November 2012.
 Herbaceous scrambler, 50-100cm long.
Bluish / mauve flowers in Spring - Summer.

Scaevola ramosissima  -  Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Mulgoa,    December 2012. 
 Herbaceous scrambler, 50-100cm long.
Bluish / mauve flowers in Spring - Summer.

Scaevola ramosissima  -  Purple Fan-flower / Snake flower.

Mulgoa,    December 2012. 
 Herbaceous scrambler, 50-100cm long.
Bluish / mauve flowers in Spring - Summer.
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Selaginella uliginosa - Swamp Selaginella.

Selaginella uliginosa  -  Swamp Selaginella.

Royal National Park,    December 2012.

Small plant under10cm tall in dampish sands.

Selaginella uliginosa  -  Swamp Selaginella.

Royal National Park,    December 2012.

Small plant under10cm tall in dampish sands.

Selaginella uliginosa  -  Swamp Selaginella.

Royal National Park,    December 2012.

Small plant under10cm tall in dampish sands.
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Senecio linearifolius - Fireweed Groundsel.

Senecio linearifolius  -  Fireweed Groundsel.

Mount Wilson,   January 2013.
An erect herb to about 1.5m high.
Yellow flowers most of the year.

Senecio linearifolius  -  Fireweed Groundsel.

Mount Wilson,   January 2013.
An erect herb to about 1.5m high.
Yellow flowers most of the year.

Senecio linearifolius  -  Fireweed Groundsel.

Mount Wilson,   January 2013.
An erect herb to about 1.5m high.
Yellow flowers most of the year.

Senecio linearifolius  -  Fireweed Groundsel.

Mount Wilson,   January 2013.
An erect herb to about 1.5m high.
Yellow flowers most of the year.
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Smilax glyciphylla - Native Sarsaparilla, Sweet Tea.

Smilax glyciphylla  -  Native Sarsaparilla, Sweet Tea.

Kurnell,    July 2012.
Small wiry stemmed climber.
Yellowish flowers spring-summer.

Smilax glyciphylla  -  Native Sarsaparilla, Sweet Tea.

Kurnell,    July 2012.
Small wiry stemmed climber.
Yellowish flowers spring-summer.

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